Monday, January 11, 2010

Fund-raising Company Goes Green, Helps Charities,
AND... Creates New Jobs

America’s workers are in crisis.

The economy is still in an era of "jobless recovery," AND... the environment needs our assistance.

Additionally, Charities require donations in order to keep up with their current needs for funding.

Now, how do these issues all relate? One firm in Vancouver, Washington helps charities meet donation goals by providing something new for their donors. People are given the opportunity to have a portion of their donations go toward sustainable alternative energy producing farms.

Among them are those giving rise to crops which yield bio-diesel.

Vancouver, Wa. January 18, 2010

This new concept for fund-raising has inspired Funding Future Farms LLC to create sustainable employment locally and globally. Their goal is to provide 50,000 new jobs to help families, communities and charities nationally. The creation of, and support for conditions of improved, clean and green environments globally is now an issue of critical importance.

Having considered what donors could receive in return for their donation, the founders of Funding Future Farms LLC developed the concept of giving each person a Jatropha or Paulownia tree in his or her name. In that process, the firm is assisting charities with fund-raising campaigns beginning in both Washington and Oregon.

Meanwhile, fuel prices continue to rise globally and that affects people nation wide. Extensive research on bio-fuel and alternative energy farms tends to point in the direction of our need for sustainable green fuels both right now, and in the future.

This firm decided to tie together in a business model, the principles of creating jobs, raising money for charities and helping farms transition into production of bio-fuel crops.

As we partner people with Charities and farms, bio-diesel producing trees are planted and those donors are named individually according to the section of ground being planted at the time of the donation. As the company expands, there will be website access to view emplacements credited at time of donation.

As we began to entertain the idea of planting trees, it became apparent that we’d be helping fund both farms and charities, we’d be creating jobs, and really helping people in need. AND... we’d even be able to improve the environment all at the same time!

"People really like the idea of being associated with and responsible for, the installation of a living green good capable of producing the bio-fuel additive. We are extremely enthusiastic about this..." says Wendy Fox, President of Funding Future Farms LLC.

This firm was founded to provide charitable donors with a number or options which include funding going to:

*agricultural farms for their installations of assorted bio-fuel crops
*wind, tidal or solar energy farms

FFF, LLC, offers assistance to charities nationally, in their efforts to master annual fund-raising goals. It also captures the monetary support farms can utilize on their alternative fuel and energy journey into the future.

To find out more about how you can help us in our efforts to improve conditions environmentally and at the same time show appreciation for your Charities, your farms and communities nationwide, email us at creating.50, or call 1-360-253-6777 or visit our website at